The annual tree giveaway is open now! Residents are eligible to receive 5 free tree seedlings per household as part of the program, with a variety of trees and shrubs offered.
A limited number of trees remain available. Below is a list of available tree types:
American Elderberry
Showy Mountain Ash
Paper Birch
Black Oak
Those interested in reserving trees should contact Recreation Supervisor, Jessica ([email protected]) with the request of up to 5 trees of the variety listed above. It is important to note, due to the limited number of trees, you may be contacted for replacement or adjustments to the variety of tree(s).
The date for pick up of the trees will be determined and released at a later date. Tom Anderson ([email protected]) will contact those that reserved trees once the date and time is determined. The anticipated pick-up date is anticipated to fall in mid-to-late April 2025.
For additional information regarding the types of trees and how to plant them, please visit
Click here for the Tree Planting Pocket Guide.
Additional Links and Information for Large Landscaping Projects
For your larger projects, additional tree orders can be placed at Wright County Soil and Water District. Please visit their website at for complete information. Tree order forms are available and mailed out each February. Please call 763-682-1970 to be added to the notification list.
To purchase trees directly through the DNR nursery, please visit