Request Data

Public Data Request - Minnesota Government Data Practices Act
The city is committed to providing the public with access to government data in accordance with the law.

How to request public data
To submit a request for public data, complete the online data request form using the link below.
Data Request Form

The form can be submitted by email or by mail:


Mail form to:
Deb Johnson, City Clerk
City of Corcoran
8200 County Road 116
Corcoran, MN  55340

Please allow 10 business days to complete your request once it has been received. If the scope of your request requires a different timeline, staff will communicate this information with you.

Minnesota Government Data Practices Act
The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act gives you, and all other members of the public, the right to see and have copies of public data that we keep. The law also controls how we keep government data and how we respond to requests for data.

• All government data are presumed public unless a state or federal law says the data are not public.
• Government data means all recorded information a government entity produces and maintains.
• Not all government data is required to be kept forever. The city follows the general records retention schedule for Minnesota cities.
• The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act allows us to charge for copies.
• You have the right to look at (inspect), free of charge, all public data that we keep. This can be done, by appointment only, at city hall.
• The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act provides that the city shall respond to data practices requests within a reasonable time frame. Our typical turnaround time for most requests is 10-14 business days. 

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