We want clean water for all different kids of activities like fishing, boating and swimming. Proper care, monitoring, and management of illicit discharges are essential to the future health of our local bodies of water. Illicit discharges can occur in ditches, storm water drains, even runoff from new development, and end up draining into the Elm Creek Watershed, and then flow into our local bodies of water. Anything other than rain has the potential to be an illicit discharge. It's important we are aware of what illicit discharges look like and report suspected illicit discharges to the proper authority.
Our community and residents can participate in keeping our storm water systems clean by being on the lookout for illicit discharges:
-Concrete or paint washed out in street (most common)
-Runoff such as grass clippings into storm water drains
-Chemical dumping into storm water drains
-Sediment track out (water or other discharge) from construction site
-Water rerouting from an existing water pond or other source
-Storm water pond filled with dirt of other filler
-Toxic material being drained into a ditch or storm water pond
-Dirty water discharging to creek, river, lake, pond or wetland
If you notice any of the above examples, or a situation that may be an illicit discharge, please complete the complaint form at the link below:
Illicit Discharge Complaint Form