The City of Corcoran’s annual Clean Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 3, 2025, from 8 a.m. — noon, at the Public Works Facility, 9100 County Road 19, Corcoran, MN.
For a price list of items that will be accepted, see below or click on the flyer/invoice form below. Payment can be made by cash, check, or credit card. Proof of residence with driver’s license or other identification required. (Fees are subject to change)
NOTE: Please be patient as you may experience a short wait.
*To complete the invoice form before arrival, click on the flyer/invoice form link below. Staff will verify quantities and determine total amount due.
Materials not accepted: household garbage, paint, chemicals, oil, flammable liquids, disposable propane tanks, or other household hazardous waste materials, needles, sharps, yard and tree waste, and other organic materials.
Hennepin County offers drop-off facilities in Brooklyn Park and Bloomington for recycling and hazardous waste materials disposal. Email [email protected], call 612-348-3777, or visit drop-off-facilities for more information.
Corcoran Clean Up Day 2025 Price List
Mattress- $25
Box Spring- $20
Upholstered Furniture- $40
• Televisions 27” and smaller- $27
• Televisions 28” and larger- $35
• Flat Panel LCD, LED, Plasma- $25
• Computer, Monitor, Laptop, Large Copier- $10
• Printer, Fax, Scanner, DVD/VCR, Stereo- $5
• Compressed Gas Appliances (fridge, freezer, A/C, etc)- $25
• General Appliances (washer, dryer, stove, etc)- NO CHARGE
Carpet/ Carpet Pad- $8/ square yard
$20+ depending on amount
• Level Pick Up Box- $68
• Level with Cab- $115
• Fluorescent Bulbs up to 8”- $1 each
• Motorcycle, Car, Pickup under 15”- $5 each
• Large Truck 15” and up- $10 each
• Tractor/Truck- NOT ACCEPTED
No Charge Items
• Recyclable steel/scrap metal (fluids must be drained where applicable)
• Propane tanks (valves removed and no disposable tanks)
• Vehicle batteries (no household batteries)